Ramps and vehicle lifts that attach to your car or truck that and allow you to take your scooter or power chair wherever you want to go.
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Transitions Angled Entry Plate – A portable stand-alone threshold plate with a slip-resistant surface which offers superior traction in varying conditions.
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This ultra-strong, single-fold ramp provides the safety and strength required while remaining lightweight and portable. The smooth and quiet action of the live hinge – a continuous full length low profile hinge – adds strength and stability to the ramp.
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The Trifold AS ramp, with its unique 3-fold design, offers the length required for wheelchairs and scooters to easily access steps, vehicles, and raised landings. The ramp is designed to be used and carried as a set, or if desired, can be quickly separated into two individual sections, making it even easier to use, carry, and store.
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The Suitcase Singlefold Graphite Fiber Ramp is made of glass reinforced graphite fiber and is the lightest folding ramp in the industry.